Mary Cunningham
Association Manager
Canadian Association
for Medical Education (CAME)
Canadian Association
for Medical Education (CAME)
Associate Professor Education Researcher, Director of the CBAS Program Medicine & Dentistry Family Medicine 6-10 University Terrace 8303 112 Street NW Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2T4 780-248-1264 shelley.ross@ualberta.ca
Dr. Maniate is currently the Vice President of Education for The Ottawa Hospital and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine and the Department of Innovation in Medical Education (DIME) at the University of Ottawa and a Clinician Investigator (Clinical Epidemiological Program) at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.
Nishan Sharma, MSc EdD, is Education Lead at W21C (www.w21c.org), and a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary.
Early Career Medical Educators (ECME) is a nation-wide community of engaged and collaborative scholars in medical education. We are students, teachers, researchers, clinicians, and leaders in the pursuit of improving education through scholarship. We provide a forum for networking between members as well as connections with senior colleagues and mentors. This includes formal and informal events at the CCME conference where we gather to share and learn from each other as well as more senior mentors in our field. Our members are actively contributing to CAME in order to grow and support the community of medical and health professions educators in Canada. To join our list serve, please email Dr. Sayra Cristancho (sayra.cristancho@schulich.uwo.ca).
Sayra Cristancho (Western University) & Mahan Kulasegaram (University of Toronto)
Awards Directors:
Stella Ng (University of Toronto) & Sarah Wright (University of Toronto)
Communications Director:
Teresa Chan (McMaster University)
Meghan McConnell (University of Ottawa), Laura Nimmon (University of British Columbia)
Alumni Members:
Meredith Young (McGill University), Kelly Dore (McMaster University), Lara Varpio (Uniformed Services University)
ECME is pleased to announce the call for 2019 nominations for our two awards.
The Champion and Mentor awards both celebrate contributions to the field of medical education, with an emphasis on the advancement, amplification, support, promotion, and mentorship of medical educators. What differentiates the two awards is the career stage of the awardee.
ECME Champion Award description: an early career medical educator who, through their advocacy, role modelling, and mentorship, advances the growth, success, and recognition of fellow early career medical educators.
ECME Mentor Award description: a mid to senior career faculty member who, through their advocacy, role modelling and mentorship, advances the growth, success, and recognition of early career medical educators.
Nomination process:
Up to five nomination letters (from different nominators) may be submitted per nominee as a single package; additional nomination letters will not be reviewed. The nominee should be made aware of their nomination (in order to enable a coordinated submission).
Each nomination letter should contain: name, position, organization of nominee; a short description (no more than 500 words) of the ways in which your nominee reflects the above-mentioned description of the award sought. Letter writers should note that all award packages will be shared with nominees, whether they are the successful award winner or not.
Previous recipients/nominees of the Champion award can be nominated for the Mentor award in subsequent years. Previous recipients of the Champion or Mentor awards cannot receive the same award again. Mentor award recipients are ineligible for the Champion award in subsequent years. Previous unsuccessful nominees may be re-nominated in subsequent years.
Deadline: March 15, 2018, 11:49pm. Late entries will not be reviewed.
Please submit application packages and any questions to: stella.ng@utoronto.ca
Awardees will be notified in advance of and honoured at the ECME event of the Canadian Conference on Medical Education, 2019.
Dre Marie Giroux
Département de médecine de famille et de médecine d’urgence
McMaster University Assistant Professor
Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Medicine HHSC, Hamilton General Hospital Site McMaster Clinic 2nd Floor
237 Barton St. E. Hamilton Ontario L8L 2X2
Twitter: @TChanMD
Associate Professor of Family Medicine Director
Foundations, MD Program, University of Toronto Director, Medical Education, Michael Garron Hospital Toronto East Health Network
Associate Dean Postgraduate Education
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Laurentian University Campus
935 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6
Professional Development Chair (Non-voting member)
Vice Dean Education
Professor of Pediatrics
College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
Suite 5D40, Health Sciences Building
107 Wiggins Road
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E5
This Community of Practice seeks to support educators across their whole career (from early to late).
They seek to assist all educators that identify with each of the following categories:
To find out more, please contact Marcus Law (Chair).
This Community of Practice seeks to support frontline teachers who are clinicians that teach our trainees at the bedside.
To find out more, please contact Catherine Cervin (Chair).
Supporting our Front Line (clinical) Teachers