Each year the White Coat, Warm heART Exhibit accepts entries in a wide variety of categories, including oils, watercolor, photographs, pastels, etching, pen and ink, video, sculpture, poetry and more. The artists are learners and faculty from diverse health professions backgrounds. The CAME Foundation is pleased for the ninth year in a row, to partner with Dr. CA Courneya, the WCWA Jury, and artists to launch our fourth online auction in conjunction with The International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM) in April 2023.
This year’s submissions also include pieces by other canadian artists, and we are excited to have their artwork available for auction as well via this exciting event! Please take the time to explore all of the pieces available for auction and place your bids!
New this year, CAME is pleased to present this event in collaboration with the Association of Faculties of Medicine Canada.
Online gallery
Check out the artwork available for auction via our online gallery: https://elevateauctions.com/camefoundation2023
Do you know how easy it is to place a bid on a piece of artwork in this year’s White Coat, Warm heART & CAME Foundation Silent Auction? It takes just a few steps! We break them down for you here:
Take a virtual tour of the wonderful art on display. If you see a piece that you are interested in, place your bid! Please note that minimum bids will be set to offset the expenses of our generous artists. If someone outbids you, you will be notified by email by the online auction company Elevate Auctions. Please check your spam folder during the auction and whitelist them as a sender if they get filtered by your email provider.
Once the auction closes all successful bidders will be contacted by the online auction company Elevate Auctions and your payment will be processed via credit card.
The CAME Foundation will work with the artists to ship the artwork to the successful bidders. Shipping costs will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
Additional Information
If you have any questions, please contact CAME Foundation Manager, Mary Cunningham at mcunningham@afmc.ca
CAME Foundation (Twitter @CAME_Foundation).
Mary Cunningham, Manager
CAME Foundation
150 Elgin Street, 10th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1L4
Tel: 613 730-0687 ext 238
Fax: 613-730-1196
Email: mcunningham@afmc.ca